XR Showcase

TL;DR -> XR is an interesting space with lots to offer, but it is not for the faint of heart as there are many challenges ahead. Checkout my solutions that are live in the market, not fake demos.

In a showcase of my recent efforts, I thought I would share some of the experiences I have been working on. Each has brought its own challenges, from dealing with engines and software, tackling complex integrations between vendor SDK’s and achieving the desired implementation, to the often confusing requirements set down by customers or sales.

These solutions are all native solutions built... read more

My Time at Ethar

TL;DR -> Ethar is an XR powerhouse, using the latest technologies from leading partners and delivering award winning solutions, while also investing in XR research to make new experiences possible, quick and easy to deliver.


As an avid content creator and educator, these past few years have been tough since I joined Ethar (the premier XR Experience platform). I’ve loved being here since I joined the team and worked hard to accelerate their vision of creating the worlds first truly cross platform and cross-vendor spatial aware platform, however due to my focus I’ve not had... read more

.NET 8, meet MonoGame

TL;DR -> .NET 8 language support is now available for MonoGame and opening up a whole new world of goodness and speed for games.

Get the .NET8 Party started

*Note, the information contained below is for those developers who want access to the cutting edge, as it requires access to the development source. (with the exception of upgrading your game to .NET 8)
The full release of the .NET 8 MonoGame support will be included with the 3.9 release, coming soon.

MonoGame may have seemed stagnant or unmoving in the past, mainly because of the... read more