I've always been a steadfast supporter of helping to educate (and be taught by) the developer community, wherever I can on whichever subject, software or service I am currently embroiled in. It was always my mantra, even from the very early days, some 20 years back.
However, in the latter years, although I have been "out there", supporting who I can and wherever they are, I have not been as forthcoming with my blogging efforts. There are numerous reasons for this, trials, tribulations and for those who know me best, some... read more
And so the journey continues
2 minute read
I've always been a steadfast supporter of helping to educate (and be taught by) the developer community, wherever I can on whichever subject, software or service I am currently embroiled in. It was always my mantra, even from the very early days, some 20 years back.
However, in the latter years, although I have been "out there", supporting who I can and wherever they are, I have not been as forthcoming with my blogging efforts. There are numerous reasons for this, trials, tribulations and for those who know me best, some hardships and the eternal battle with impostor syndrome.
But as ever, to grow we must push on and keep doing the small things which help keep us on the straight and narrow, all the while busting the door open to new opptunities. Confused, I hope so, as I am usually in a constant state of bewilderment, until I find that one article, document or person that sets the record straight.
New Adventures
Part of the longing to get back in to blogging/vlogging/etc has been the start of a new career with an absolutely awesome team at xRealityLabs, headed by the totally amazing boss that is Gareth James. (If you have not had the chance to meet him yet, you probably should!)
xRealityLabs - Mixed Reality Research and investment
Finally I can say the training wheels are off and I can fly free to be the developer I need to be, both by day and night, no more splitting myself in two in order to achieve my lofty personal goals.
New Stories (and some old ones too)
This being the restart/reimaging of my blogging adventures, I'll be kicking off with some of the useful things I have been digging into for the past few months, all with the aim to help developers new and old with their game development adventures (although some tips are good for all).
Here is a sneak peek and some of the things to come:
Automation for Unity Builds, large and small
Building projects using the Unity Package Manager, tips'n'tricks
More MonoGame fun (because XNA is in my soul)
XRTK news, tips and tutorials (because XR is our future)
Some of the recent Unity UI Extensions updates and features
I might even venture towards how this new Ghost blog was setup, except that this adventure is still continuing, expect some bumps along the road as I figure this one out.
Let the games begin
Time to get this party started, all those in favour say "aye".
(Written on an iPad, using Ghost, Hosted on Azure and some rubber bands for good measure. Imagine me saying that a year ago)
And to those who are still listening and have followed my decline over the years, Thanks for sticking with me as I turn this ship back around on to a new course.
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Engineer, industry executive, research enthusiast. Avid learner with diverse interests in coding, game development, Mixed Reality (AR/VR/XR) and reinforcement learning. 25+ years of experience working in multinational corporations and startups.