One day I’ll get back into my regular blog cycle, but today is not that day.
Work is a real task master, I’ve set-up a new Community Site for my son’s genetic disability (Prader-willie syndrome) and maintaining that takes a considerable chunk of my time, on top of that, against all odd’s my wife is now pregnant again, despite it not supposedly being possible, so that’s number 4 on the way now (ouch!).
So finding time to actually do game development is challenging (against using free time to actually play games) but is very fun and in light of George Clingerman’s “becoming a better developer” goals, I decided to re-scope my activities and took a step back.
Now I’m probably not going as far as George did but I did have a re-think of my goals and how to get there, so in this I’ve gone back to basics, so far back actually I’ve signed up the the C# workshop for learning C#, from the point of view that you can never learn enough about a subject. I do feel there are some parts of the C# language I’ve missed out on (interfaces, conditional operators and the finer arts of generics, to name a few) and some better coding standards.
Check out the
GameDev.Net C# workshopcourse.
On other fronts I’ve scaled back my graphical adventures in favor of what I’m good at for now and started looking into Procedural Development and AI.
AI sort of caught me off guard when I found
[  DreamBuildPlay]( entries, Man some of those games are definitely something to aspire to, especially “Shuggy”, which takes a very simple idea and runs amuck with it, sorta like watching the Little Britain guys and never knowing what to expect.
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Engineer, industry executive, research enthusiast. Avid learner with diverse interests in coding, game development, Mixed Reality (AR/VR/XR) and reinforcement learning. 25+ years of experience working in multinational corporations and startups.